Danny Crenshaw
Hi! I’m Danny Crenshaw. I’m a 25-year-old student from the University of Washington School of Law, working to get a law degree. I’m lucky to be a barista in a coffee shop in Seattle, since my city has recently been named the Best Coffee City in America. Studying full-time and working on the side may be exhausting, but as I set my eyes on the prize, I feel determined to finish what I started.
Coffee has become my partner in study. Studying law requires me to spend long hours at night reading cases and just trying to understand how the court works. I’ve been studying for most of my life, but I’ve never quite studied this hard before. There are times that I stay awake for a whole day just to fulfill my duties in school and at work. I try to be excellent in all that I do. Some law students believe that it’s better to solely focus on law school, rather than have a job. I don’t see my job as a distraction. Having an income while I study makes me feel great.
My hobbies are making latte foam art and watching classic 90’s films. Somehow doing these two gives me balance as they keep my mind off school too much. Having a regular break from the terrors of law school keeps my mind in a healthy state. Seeing customers enjoy our coffee lets me know I’m in the right place at the right time.